Friday, May 30, 2008


This seemed to be much easier than I thought. If this is the hardest step than I'm looking forward to the rest. I'm either really good at this or just plain lucky. The hardest thing for me was finding the time to get to this week's assignment.

Thursday, May 22, 2008


I don't have Tivo, I have a DVR. They do the same thing, CHANGE LIVES. It gives you the gift of time. Time to go out on a weekday night without fear of missing your favorite show. Time to go to the movies, dinner, or out with friends on a moments notice without panic of missing the season finale of American Idol, Desperate Housewives or God forbid Lost. I guess when I think about it, not only does Tivo give you the gift of time, it gives you peace of mind and lord knows, we can all use a little more of that. I know I do!

Caribbean Princess

Caribbean Princess
Originally uploaded by Amy misses OKC
Where I'd like to be again, Princess Cay island. Sand, surf and sipping drinks with umbrellas in them.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Libraries could use blogs as a tool for Reader's Advisory. A blog could list new authors, recent arrivals and short reviews from different staff members. Patrons, as well as visitors to the site, could add comments and their own reviews of books they have read. It could be quite beneficial and popular.

Friday, May 16, 2008

All of this is new to me. I don't do My Space, I don't IM, I'm not up on this type of technology but I'm willing to give it a try. The 7 1/2 Habits seem easy enough to follow. My biggest challenge will be time. I've having trouble finding the time to keep up.