Saturday, June 28, 2008

Wiki Part 2

Adding to a Wiki was amazingly easy. It was so easy I thought I did it wrong. I figured there must be more to it, but no, that was it. Cool, something I can do with ease.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


Wow, I had no idea that Wikipedia could have posts from anyone. I thought the information on that sight is reliable. I'd like to believe that most of it is correct but I certainly won't let my son use it as a resource on a research paper. Now I wonder how many teachers know and tell their students how the sight works and whether they should use it. Interesting!
Anyhow, I think Wikis can be a good thing. I found some interesting library ones. It is nice to get ideas from other library systems. It is kind of like a big bulletin board but better organized.

Web 2.0

Web 2.0 is definitely changing the information world. As that world changes so does our libraries. It does seem that whether we want to change or not, the change is upon us. The needs of our patrons has been evolving for some time. More and more people are coming in to use the internet to look up information instead of checking out materials. I do think library staff will need to learn more so we may teach our patrons how to find the vast amounts of information that is available online.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Don't get it at all. Advanced Search discovered nothing that interested me. 76 blog reactions, I read a few but there was nothing informative or interesting there. Web 2.0 tag search had 49,872 posts.


I completed the exercise and then I thought, "Am I done? Is this all there is to this?" I don't get it. To me, it's just about clicking on what others have found. I see how the posts and links are grouped together but to me it isn't much different than doing a search on google.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


What can I say about WebFeat? Not much. I didn't find it too interesting. I found lots of different articles but nothing struck me as exciting, fascinating or mildly entertaining. I hope next week is more fun.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

My Library Thing

Another cool resource for keeping track of our reading. It is amazing how many sites like this there are. I don't know if I will continue to use it, but I enjoyed perusing it anyway. I was introduced to a similar site and I'm kind of hooked on that. It is


I used the image generator at --I found it to be very easy; however, when I went to post there was a problem. The Html "language" (whatever that means)had an error in it. I hadn't a clue as to how to fix it. My coworker, Jennifer, took one look at it and found the errors and fixed them. Who knew she was Bilingual? Html language, now that's impressive! Thanks again Jen!

Image Generator, I hope.

Myspace Picture Generator

I'd like to dedicate this post to Jennifer, without her help my image would be invisible. Thanks Jennifer